Calculate Calories Burned While Running: Running Calorie Calculator

Interval training burns more calories than steady paced moderate intensity exercises, leading to greater weight loss.
Studies have demonstrated that engaging in various intense exercises interspersed with short recovery periods may help individuals shed more weight than using only steady-paced activity such as an exercise bike or treadmill.

Data was extracted from 41 studies that compared weight loss results after at least four weeks of either interval training or steady paced moderate intensity exercises such as walking, cycling or jogging.

Both types of exercise resulted in weight and body fat reduction for all individuals, though interval training demonstrated greater total weight loss: an average of 3.5 pounds (1.58 kilograms) when compared with 2.5 pounds (1.13 kilograms) from steady-paced moderate intensity exercise.

Comparable to 38 minutes of steady paced moderate intensity exercise, interval training sessions averaged 28 minutes on average and 18 for sprint interval training. Four minutes of intense exercise alternated with three minutes of recovery during high intensity interval workouts most commonly used by studies and totaled 1,115 participants over four to sixteen week studies.

Most exercise guidelines advise participating in moderate intensity aerobic activity for one hour per day in order to either prevent weight gain or achieve modest weight loss. Obese individuals should aim to perform at least two additional workout sessions daily in order to shed those extra pounds of bodyweight.

Interval training may lead to greater weight loss as its impact causes your body to burn more fat in the 24 hours following exercise as your muscles use all their stored energy from carbohydrates during intense workouts.

Although interval training exercise doesn’t burn much fat in short bursts, longer workouts may achieve similar results for fat loss. A combination of intense interval training and steady-paced moderate intensity exercise would be the optimal method for weight loss.

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