Boosting Memory with Crossword Puzzles: A Better Alternative to Video Games

Study has demonstrated that crossword puzzles offer more benefits than video gaming in aiding memory function in older individuals with mild cognitive impairment. Individuals assigned puzzles showed decreased brain shrinkage and better daily functioning.

Researchers conducted a randomized, controlled study revealing that those aged 71 on average who engaged in online crossword puzzles displayed greater cognitive improvement compared to individuals who played cognitive video games.

This study documents both short- and long-term benefits of online crossword puzzle training compared to another treatment option for mild cognitive impairment patients. The results are impressive considering their difficulty of showing progress with mild cognitive impairment treatments.

Crossword puzzles are widely utilized, yet have not been extensively researched as tools to treat mild cognitive impairment, which has been linked to higher dementia risks such as Alzheimer’s.

Researchers randomly assigned 107 individuals with mild cognitive impairments to either cognitive video game training or crossword puzzle training with 12 weeks of intensive training followed by up to 78 weeks of booster sessions, delivered via computerized platforms with compliance monitoring every week.

Notable outcomes of the research included:

Crossword puzzles outshone cognitive games on both 12 and 78-week intervals when measuring primary cognitive outcome with the ADAS-Cog test; additionally, crosswords outscored them on daily functioning measures like FAQ at both points in time.
Crossword puzzles were more beneficial for individuals at later disease stages; both types of training were equally effective at earlier phases; additionally, crossword puzzle participants at 78 week intervals demonstrated reduced brain shrinkage compared to those participating in other training methods.
Cognitive and daily activity benefits were observed, along with clinically significant MRI brain shrinkage indications.

This research also shows the value of engagement. According to remote monitoring of computer use, those at later stages of impairment could have benefitted more from engaging with crossword puzzles compared with cognitive video games.

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