Cycling Calorie Calculator: Estimate Your Caloric Expenditure

How many calories does cycling burn?

The number of calories burned while cycling depends on various factors such as your body weight, gender and level of fitness as well as distance and intensity of cycling sessions. Bicycling faster will often help you burn more calories due to using more energy for propulsion. At an average cycling speed of 12-13.9 miles/hour, an individual weighing 155 pounds could burn 298 calories in 30 minutes! Cycling at 14-15.9 miles/hour will result in an individual weighing 155 pounds burning an estimated 372 calories within 30 minutes, though mountain biking could potentially burn more due to more physically demanding terrain; more calories will likely be burned riding challenging trails with many ups and downs than on more gentle surfaces; calories burned by indoor stationary bikes tend to be similar.

How many calories will I burn cycling for 30 minutes?

Cycling for 30 minutes on average burns an estimated average of 200 calories depending on body weight, resistance level and intensity levels of cycling. You can maximize the number of calories burned per 30 minute ride by increasing resistance or intensity levels – and increasing resistance may further boost this total figure.

Can You Burn 1000 Calories By Cycling?

Burning 1,000 calories through cardio exercises such as cycling, rowing and running is certainly possible. On average 7 calories can be burned per minute at 10-12mph depending on bodyweight; about 15 per minute when increasing intensity to 14-16mph can also help increase calorie burn rate; according to estimates a pace of 14mph would need to be maintained for approximately 65-70 minutes in order to achieve such results.

Do 1 hour of cycling suffice for weight loss?

On average, moderate-intensity cycles burn approximately 300 calories every hour when pedaled at an intensity level between 12-13.9 miles-per-hour; individuals weighing 155 pounds pedaling at this speed may even burn as many as 298 in 30 minutes!

Cycling or Running?

Although running can burn more calories per mile than cycling, cycling makes for easier mileage coverage and is harder on your body overall compared to running at any intensity level. One study which compared trained cyclists and runners showed that runners experienced 133%-404% more muscle damage, up to 256% higher inflammation levels, and 87% greater muscle soreness after exercising 2 1/2 hours a day for three days than their cycling counterparts.

Studies suggest that E-bikes do not help riders meet weekly physical activity targets due to taking shorter and less physically demanding trips than conventional cyclists1.

Physical activity and accident rates of 1250 e-bikers were compared with 629 conventional cyclists over a two week period.

Volunteers provided valuable insight regarding health concerns, physical activity habits and quality of life issues as well as any biking accident information.

Under supervision, participants were instructed to use an activity tracker to record heart rate, distance traveled and riding time for every bike ride over four weeks, and monitor rates of accidents throughout a 12-month period.

E-bikers were found to have more underlying health conditions, weigh more, be older, perform less exercise yet engage in higher levels of leisure-time physical activity when compared to conventional bikers.

E-bikers tend to accumulate 70 less minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity on average compared to conventional cyclists, who accumulated 150+ more minutes. On average, conventional bikers also take more weekly trips compared to their counterparts on an e-bike.

On average, conventional cyclists spent nearly 25 minutes longer cycling a bicycle compared with e-bikers – although e-bikers made longer journeys with additional 6.5 minutes added on for each extra trip taken by conventional riders.

Conventional cyclists had higher average heart rates – 119 beats/minute versus 111 for e-bikers – indicating higher exertion levels.

Sex, age, underlying conditions and reported use of bicycles for commuting and sport were key predictors of meeting weekly physical activity targets recommended for recommended physical activity levels. E-bikers were about half as likely as conventional cyclists to meet these weekly targets of recommended physical activity levels.

Overall, during the 12-month monitoring period there were 157 near accidents and 109 accidents reported by both conventional cyclists and e-bikers, but when all potentially influential factors were taken into account e-bikers were 63% more likely to become involved in an incident compared to conventional cyclists.

Physical fitness was reported as the primary motivation for purchasing both types of bicycles, though e-bikers were twice more likely to report convenience compared to conventional cyclists. Saving money or protecting the environment were rarely mentioned.

Calories Burned Cycling
When determining how many calories were burned cycling, the metabolic equivalent of task (MET) unit is used as a measurement of energy expended during physical activity. It measures how hard your body has worked relative to rest; 1 MET equals 1 calorie/kg body weight per hour when at rest.

The MET values for various physical activities come from reliable sources and have been published in the compendium of physical activities. When cycling, calories burned can be calculated using both intensity level and bodyweight in conjunction with their respective MET values; to facilitate this calculation below are 25 different cycling activities of various intensities listed for use as cycling calorie calculators.

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