Study Finds Potato Consumption Does Not Impact Blood Glucose Levels Adversely

Potatoes have long been linked with increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes and contributing to weight gain, and are therefore frequently listed among foods to avoid for those who exhibit insulin resistance.

One study suggests, however, that potatoes do not increase risk; rather they contain essential vitamins and nutrients that provide many health benefits.

Researchers conducted an intensive research project demonstrating that contrary to popular belief, potato consumption does not negatively impact blood glucose levels and that participants in their study actually saw weight loss.

Individuals tend to consume the same weight of food regardless of its calorie content in order to feel satisfied, yet it is possible to lower calorie consumption by opting for lower calorie options with heavier weight.

Research showed that adding potatoes to meals did not diminish portion sizes but instead decreased caloric content by approximately 25%, providing each individual with customized meals tailored to meet their caloric requirements, yet they reported getting full faster when replacing some meat with potatoes; sometimes their meals weren’t even finished! Thus weight can be lost with minimal effort.

In this study, 36 obese participants aged 18-60 years with either obesity or insulin resistance – a condition in which cells fail to respond well to insulin, meaning glucose doesn’t enter cells for energy production and production of energy by mitochondria. Insulin resistance has been linked with type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels, obesity and hypertension.

Individuals were provided with customized diets of common foods like peas and beans with fish or meat or white potatoes with fish or meat; both diets featured high vegetable and fruit content and replaced approximately 40% of typical meat consumption with either peas and beans or potatoes.

Prior research has demonstrated that consumption of peas and beans helps individuals newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes to lower their blood glucose levels, while eating potatoes that had their skin intact was found to enhance dietary fiber consumption in an attempt to further lower glucose levels.

Potatoes were featured prominently in lunch and dinner meals, such as creamy shrimp and potatoes and shepherd’s pie, as well as served alongside side dishes such as scalloped potatoes, potato salad, roasted wedges of potatoes in the oven and mashed potatoes at both lunch and dinner meals.

Potatoes were prepared so as to maximize fiber intake. A diet consisting of potatoes was found equal in terms of health benefits to one containing beans and peas.

Diet plans offered a wide variety of dishes, demonstrating that healthy eating plans can offer more choices to those attempting to follow a more healthful lifestyle. Potatoes were an economical addition to meal plans.

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